Packetradio… what’s that?!?

Maybe, the younger OMs don’t know, what Packetradio means, although most of us are frequently using this technology. (APRS)
Packetradio is a way to communicate, mostly on VHF/UHF, by dataconnections. The protocol, which is used therefore is named AX.25. But why should you step into this ancient, but interesting way of communication?
Because, as an OM, you should always be keen on getting new techniques working. 😉
Maybe I should explain, why I’m doing Packetradio…
- It’s interesting to use such older techniques
- It’s always great to use ways of communication,
which are independent from the internet - Packetradio has all the basic services like mailing, chatrooms,
bulletin boards, and so on… - Getting on-air in Packet isn’t expensive
What do you need to go on-air in Packetradio?
- A Digipeater in your surrounding, which you can connect to
- VHF/UHF Transceiver with “Data”-Connector
- Computer with Windows installed (also works in “Wine”)
- Soundcard-Interface (like for other Digitalmodes)
- Some free software (Paxon, Soundmodem,…)
- …and some time for playing around. 😉 HI
Here you can find OE1KBC – Kurt’s great How-to for Hamnet and Packetradio.
(German language)
Next time, I will show you my setup here and “recipies” for setting up your own packetradio-station.
…more to come…